Istanbul Arel Üniversitesi

" Learn In the Heart of Istanbul "

Istanbul Arel Üniversitesi

Istanbul Arel University is a foundation university that was established by the Kemal Gözükara Education and Culture Foundation with Law No. 5656, completed its establishment by being published in the Official Gazette No. 26526 dated May 18, 2007, and has public legal personality and financial and administrative autonomy within the framework of the Higher Education Law. The language of instruction at Istanbul Arel University is generally English. Students are also given the opportunity to learn a second foreign language upon request.

Faculties and specializations:

College of Communications

New Media and Communication Systems TR

Television and Cinema TR

TR Press

Public Relations and Advertising TR

Visual Communications Design TR

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

Business Administration EN

Business Administration TR

Tourism and Hotel Management TR

Aviation Management TR

International Trade and Finance EN

International Logistics and Transport TR

Banking and Financial Services TR

Real estate and asset valuation TR

International Relations EN

International Relations TR

Political Science and Public Administration TR

Accounting and Financial Management TR

Management Information Systems TR

Faculty of Medicine

Human Medicine TR

Faculty of Sciences and Literature

Molecular Biology and Genetics EN

Translation and interpretation (Turkish-English) EN

Mathematics and Computer Science TR

Turkish Language and Literature TR

Sociology TR

Psychology TR

College of Fine Arts

Graphic Design TR

Cartoon and animation TR

Fashion and Textile Design TR

Culinary Arts TR

College of Engineering and Architecture

Industrial Design TR

Interior Architecture TR

Industrial Engineering EN

Biomedical Engineering TR

Civil Engineering TR

Architecture Engineering TR

Electrical and Electronic Engineering EN

Electrical and Electronic Engineering TR

Computer Engineering EN

Computer Engineering TR

Mechanical Engineering TR

School of Health Sciences

Health Administration TR

Nutrition and diet TR

Nursing TR

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation TR

Social Work TR

Child Development TR

Master’s specializations at Istanbul Arel Üniversitesi

Graduate School of Science

Engineering Management (non-thesis) TR

Engineering Management (Thesis) TR

Architecture (non-thesis) TR

Architecture (Thesis) TR

Electrical and Electronic Engineering (non-thesis) TR

Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Thesis) TR

Mechanical Engineering (non-thesis) TR

Mechanical Engineering (Thesis) TR

Urban Systems Engineering (non-thesis) TR

Urban Systems Engineering (Thesis) TR

Graduate School of Social Sciences

Business Administration (non-thesis) TR

Business Administration (Thesis) TR

Executive Business Administration (non-thesis) EN

Executive Business Administration (Thesis) EN

Hotel Management (non-thesis) TR

Hotel Management (Thesis) TR

Health Facilities Management (non-thesis) TR

Health Facilities Management (Thesis) TR

Health Facilities Management (Distance Learning) (non-thesis) TR

Human Resource Management (non-thesis) TR

Human Resource Management (Thesis) TR

Public Administration and Political Science (Thesis) TR

Management and Organization (Distance Education) (non-thesis) TR

Media and Cultural Studies (Thesis) TR

International Trade and Finance (non-thesis) TR

International Trade and Finance (Thesis) TR

Marketing (distance education) (Thesis) TR

Graphic Design (non-thesis) TR

Graphic Design (Thesis) TR

International Relations (non-thesis) TR

International Relations (Thesis) TR

Turkish Language and Literature (Thesis) TR

Accounting and Auditing (non-thesis) TR

Accounting and Auditing (Thesis) TR

Accounting and Finance (non-thesis) TR

Accounting and Finance (Thesis) TR

Fashion and Textile Design (non-thesis) TR

Fashion and Textile Design (Thesis) TR

Sociology (non-thesis) TR

Sociology (Thesis) TR

Psychology (non-thesis) TR

Psychology (Thesis) TR

Clinical Psychology (non-thesis) TR

Clinical Psychology (Thesis) TR

Graduate School of Health Sciences

Health Care Management (non-thesis) TR

Healthcare Management (Thesis) TR

Nursing (Thesis) TR

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (Thesis) TR

PhD, Istanbul Arel Üniversitesi

Graduate School of Science

Architecture Engineering TR

Electrical and Electronic Engineering TR

Mechanical Engineering TR

Graduate School of Social Sciences

Business Administration - Management and Organization TR

Business Administration - Accounting and Finance TR

Graphic Design TR

Political Science and International Relations TR

Clinical Psychology TR

Istanbul Arel Üniversitesi Institutes

Vocational school of higher education

Business Administration TR

Tourism and Hotel Management TR

Civil Aviation Administration TR

Health Facilities Management TR

Human Resource Management TR

Tourist Guidance TR

First Aid and Emergency TR

Instruments TR

Optics TR

International Trade TR

Anesthesia TR

Applied Translation (Turkish-English) TR

Architectural Restoration TR

Graphic Design TR

Logistics TR

Banking and Insurance TR

Radio and TV programming TR

Medical Secretarial and Documentation TR

Occupational Health and Safety TR

Cooking TR

Justice TR

Physiotherapy TR

Public Relations and Advertising TR

Electricity TR

Accounting and Taxes TR

Mechatronics TR

Computer Programming TR

Fashion Design TR

TR jewelry design

Medical Imaging Techniques TR

Printing and Publishing Technologies TR

Medical Laboratory Techniques TR

Electronics Technology TR

Construction Technology TR

TR aircraft technology

Dental prosthetics and artificial teeth technology TR

Child Development TR

Civil Aviation Cockpit Services TR

Oral health TR